I’m guessing you’ve seen Beck’s cameo appearance in Futurama?

‘I always wanted to be a musician poet who transcends genres as he re-invents them!’

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I haven't seen Futurama, but a quick search and Beck's quote hooked me up. Thanks, Edgar!

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Musician poet

Transcending genres with ease

Reinventing sound

Blending rhythms, words, and notes

Visionary's art


Boundaries dissolved

Creativity set free

Fearless pioneer

Pushing limits, breaking rules

Redefining art


Melodies and verse

Intertwined in harmony

Genres redefined

A musician poet's dream

Transforming always

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That’s the one!

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Brilliant follow-up. Love the concision. I'm a big fan of short-form poetry. Also love Beck and loved Loser immediately when it came out. Loved the irony of such an accomplished song being also a claim of being a "loser." It kicked my butt - in a good way. It spoke to my own struggles of "no me."

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But still, there is a defiance to the song that transcends the "loser", or so I feel.

Anyway, thanks for the good word, Chris!

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oh, yes, it's the defiance that makes it truly awesome.

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Wow! You relate now! I never loved that song more than this moment! Does that response even make sense. The girl is back, she found her way back.

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She did find her way and she found also great company to keep going. Thank you so much fellow pilgrim. 🖤

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the only loser

is one who reads poetry

and demands that truth

be what mind can understand

instead of what heart can feel

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Thank you very much Paul for this little poem. It speaks from the heart.

No losers around here.

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No losers for sure!

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Excellent follow-up piece!

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Thank you Kristine!

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