For something squeezed in at the end of the day this is excellent. The choral thread all the way through is so clever. Bravo.

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Thank you very much David 🙏 Though I must confess I struggled with it the whole day!

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Only natural right? And sometimes the ones that come easy and you feel best about can just fade into the background without much fanfare. I really liked the thought that went into this - it came through for me as a real considered element rather than anything forced or uncomfortable, and I really enjoyed kinda realising this thread emerge as I progressed through the stanzas.

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I started this as a list without much thinking and when I read it through I could see where it wanted to go. But then I had to make it look like a poem, you know... That was really the hard part.

I am glad you like it, David. Thank you very much for your appreciation and your comments. 🙏

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Ouch. Though a very different journey, an uncomfortably familiar outcome. Well named. Though, ouch!

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Thanks Chris! Ouch :)

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Love what you made of today's post! Makes you appreciate the kids who are not people pleasers and go their own way even if they make things hard for mum and dad. Tricky business following instructions. I feel like a second poem in response to this coming up...?

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Pilgrim: You feel like a second poem? That seems secondary to this poetic exercise.

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You've got something in mind Richard?

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No it's rather a complementary one that has do to with the title. Tomorrow...

Thanks for the love :)

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As always, wonderful poetry!

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Yes my poetry entry that just disappeared by a finger swish in error. Wait for reboot

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I am sucked into the Charybdis sub stack pool. My fear is being taken advantage of my naivety. I keep being swirled around. My head spins round and round down I go into the depths of a whirl pool. We’re at the bottom 20,000 leagues under the sea my favorite writer Jules Verne pulls me aside. He is my spiritual guide. We don new scuba gear. We go for a dive for dinner clams lobster and urchins. I am happy in my dream. Come true. I feel free to live underwater. I have no fear I don’t want to change a thing. Just miss my cat. He doesn’t like water. Jules says I have a diving bell for him… he won’t get wet. But the litter box could be a problem . Jules and mine motto.: to each his own

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Don't change a thing, Richard, we'll figure something out for the litter box.

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Write a poem based on the “Proust Questionnaire.” Prompt: Who is the greatest love of your life?


Breastbone Drum

In '72, barely past girl, just twenty-one,

I met a woman, ageless and august.

We'd both grown old too young, working since small,

Tethered from the start, kindred sawdust.

If I could claw back time, oh how I'd spend

Each day, each dropping, pressed against her life.

Awestruck, I'd shout my girlish love, commend

Her glow, her pith, her thorn-sweet wisdom rife.

She taught me how to peel and core my heart,

To find the steel-strong seed of self within.

Her sage hands molded me like goddess-thrown art.

Without her, I'd have drowned in my own thin.

Then thirtysomething, Death came, playing thief.

He plucked her, and my heart, too, turned to ice.

So now I keen my grief to distant stars

And dream her voice will flutter from the night.


How long, how endlessly, since your dear face

Shone close to mine, and I could share your air.

We're ripped to separate realms, unraveled lace,

Yet tethered tight by secrets only we two bear.

I dreamt I found a trinket, fey and queer -

An echo box enthralled with capturing time.

It warps our blended voices, traps them here

In tin, a clutchable wisp of paradigm.

I send its ghost to you, wherever flung,

A totem of our tangled, strangled souls.

This box and us, my love, are ever strung,

Your laughter coiled inside, charmed caracoles.

Each pulse inside my chest is your lost voice,

Our love's old hymn, sung breastbone to drum.

Even in silence, your deft words rejoice.

They reel me, heal me, flay me,

take me home.

This box won't loose its hold on what we've been,

Those swallowed, honeyed moments others miss.

It proves we live, we fume, we die, we sin.

It swears our love's eternal, our hearts' bliss.

So when you hear an echo, think it's me,

My raw wails, my pleas to hold me wild

With all your wordy brilliance, oh my she!

Our bond's immortal - gods themselves are riled.

When next we meet, we'll chime our mythic song,

Our fevered story etched in Echo's halls.

Forever lashed, my beauty, my lifelong.

I'm always G, your girl's most willing thrall.

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Such cadence, such images, such love...

Beautiful, Gloria!

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Thank you!

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Poem a song reverberating beat.

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The light and dark of this is delicious.

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