Oh I love this quote "poetry is the ritual of the mind" thank you Fotini! Further new music to my ears.

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She's a well of inspiration!

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That really put me in mind of early Gil Scott Heron. I spent a million years listening to this kinda thing:) Thanks for sharing, so wonderful to hear new artists

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"Small Talk at 125th and Lenox" is a masterpiece! I think you'll like Sarah too!

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It sure is! Thanks Fotini, I’m sure I love it too 👍🏼

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Thanks for reading, Jonathan!

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Thank you for this inspiration, Fotoni!

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My pleasure, Angela. Happy you like this!!!

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What an awesome share Fotini!

Thank you so much. 🙏💖

Love your name too. Very unique one that I’ve never come across previously. 😁

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Happy you like it and thanks for the compliment :)

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Gorgeous. I love the first stanza of part 4 especially. I'm not where I can listen to music right now but making a mental note to come back later. I also remember (and kind of love) the days of listening to the radio and almost NEVER knowing the name of the song or the artist (especially when I was a kid) but waiting for it to come back on with a blank tape waiting to record it...

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Oh, my, I did that too! I think we all did that back then. I still have some of those tapes :)

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My oldest daughter has all of mine. She used to listen to them on my old Walkman (which only died a few years ago, after 25+ years of service), and most recently, was using them as wall decorations :).

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Oh, so sweet! My tapes are piled up in a dark closet but my Walkam is still very much alive :)

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Thanks for sharing, Fotini. I’d never heard of Sarah before.

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Not many people know her, but she is amazing :)

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I’m getting caught up on many things I’ve missed the last week or so — love this scrapbook idea and am looking forward to more!

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Thanks, Kristine! I will come back with more, that's a promise :)

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