Aug 29Liked by Fotini Masika

Did you name the pigeons Jonathan & Susie? I really hope so. I loved meandering through this poem.

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No I didn't... but now I guess everybody will think I did :)

Thanks, Treasa!

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Aug 29Liked by Fotini Masika

Jonathan wears a bow tie and Susie a beret even though she's not french 😄

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Oh damn, my cover is blown! It was the accent wasn't it- so damn hard to duplicate!

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A beautiful moment of repose within nature captured effortlessly in poetry!

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Thanks Daniel! For the love and the restack :)

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Absolutely beautiful - with a reminder of nature's escape from our electronic prisons. Well done!

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Thank you Rod 🙏

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Aug 29·edited Aug 30Liked by Fotini Masika


Those hefty bees

Doppling past


Over grass

Manically praying

To the last.


Gentle one

Through the cacophony

To the gentle love

Of the collared dove

Beneath the carob tree.

I love this poem. The shyness, the understanding, the acceptance, the busy-ness. The cacophony...then the calmness, the being seen, the easiness. Accepted by the natural order for being just you.

If that's me in the dedication, then I'm floored. And very grateful. (If not, then I'll get my coat, as the say:)

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Yes. You are floored.

You felt my poem and offered me one in return, and I can't thank you enough.

We are both grateful, forget about your coat :)

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Then I’ll have a glass of wine 😂

Grateful 🙏🏼

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Cheers, my friend!

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Just wanted to say thank you, Fotini. I've floated along smiling to myself occasionally these couple days, purely because of your super beautiful, out-of-the-blue reminder of human kindness and connection. There's something so generous about being spontaneously considered, and reminded that yes, there are places where the dragonflies and bees and wasps all swarm free. So, thanks pal :)

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Being there. Collect the carob pods. Chocolate shakes the leaves and save the seeds to Karat weigh the gold you have found today .

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A rich morning it was! Thank you, Richard 🙏

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Aug 29Liked by Fotini Masika

You are to the bees as the bees are to you. You are to the birds as the birds are to you. Each species is going about its own society, observing but not totally understanding what the other species are doing. And each creature is the center of its own universe, wondering (one some level), "Why ME??" That's my take, anyway. Thank you for the thought provoking poem! The descriptive language woven with emotion is so beautiful.

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Thank you, Mike!

Your interpretation of the poem is quite different from mine. I love that! I love that each reader can yield various meanings from the same poem. That is why I don’t usually share an analysis of my poems in the posts or why I don’t like reviews — too much information can spoil the surprise reading offers :)

But if you’re curious, read Jonathan’s comment. He got me right away!

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Aug 30Liked by Fotini Masika

Fontini, thank you for your grace. In hindsight, I was definitely projecting what was going on in my own mind onto my interpretation of your poem. I suppose that's just what interpretation is sometimes!

I have a similar philosophy about analysis, and I too rarely post discussion alongside my poems. Sometimes I like to do that in a note/restack of my own piece, since a peek behind the curtain can also be fun.

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Those first three lines are stunning. Their feel bulbous and packed full of life and activity like a busy summers day. Its so good.

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Oh, thanks so much, David!!! Summer mornings can be overwhelming :)

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Beautiful. I love the many sounds in this coming together along with the story. It's a happy poem to read aloud.

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And I am happy you like it, Margaret. Thank you! 💛

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Aug 30Liked by Fotini Masika

I read this one aloud, it's so gentle and soothing Fotini. It has lovely air running through it. A poem for the soul. Beautiful!

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Thank you, Síodhna. Your words are a balm for my soul 🙏

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Is that for me sweet lady? 🥹 I’m just at the end of a ten minute coffee break, meetings all day…. I will reply properly later with I have time to write words that aren’t awash with tears - bless your beautiful soul🙏🏽

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Damn! That's what I meant to say ;)

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Take your time, Susie, I am not going anywhere. I just wanted to let you (and Jonathan) know that there are still places where all kinds of insects thrive :)

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I hope that one day I will have occasion to sit under the shade of a carob tree with two collared doves, the air alive with the sounds of crickets and bees all buzzing and chirruping about the latest news and when I do I will pull out your beautiful words and think, Fotini wrote this because she cared about insects and people and smile and sigh from the inside out and think, what a beautiful human being - bless you lovely lady 💚

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All my love to you, Susie 💛

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“As if me being here is the most natural thing” — I love that! It feels very right. :)

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Seating under a tree and talking to birds is definitely the most natural thing :) Although at first it may seem silly… Thanks, Michael!!!

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"I share with a pair of grey collared doves;

walking in tandem, their feet glistening

lavender pink"

I love this image. I love birds and nature so much, I notice the birds all the time, they are like little messengers. Lovely poem.

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Thank you very much, Cynthia 🙏

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Sep 4Liked by Fotini Masika

Love this, Fotini. It’s so lucid. ✨

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Thank you, James :)

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